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The History of Zucchini Bread

Zucchini bread is thought to have developed from the long tradition of European vegetable puddings that date all the way back to the Middle Ages, such as carrot pudding. But it wasn’t until the 20th century that zucchini bread had its day. During World War II, zucchini was a prolific grower in Victory Gardens, and after the war, Americans continued to grow the vegetable. In the 1960s, the hippie movement placed a new emphasis on healthy foods, and sweet quick breads such as zucchini bread became quite popular. Zucchini bread was modeled after banana bread; it was easy to make, freezer-friendly, and promoted as a healthier alternative to frosted layer cakes and sheet cakes. By the 1970s, there were many recipes for zucchini bread available. Today, many people still bake zucchini bread; it’s especially popular in the form of breakfast muffins!

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