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The History of the Cappuccino

In honor of National Cappuccino Day, we are taking a look at the history behind this caffeinated favorite. The origin of the name comes from the Kapuziner, a popular drink in Viennese coffee houses in the 1700s. However, the cappuccino itself was invented in Italy in the early 1900s, shortly after the espresso machine was popularized. The cappuccino gradually gained popularity in Italian cafés and was often served Viennese-style with whipped cream and cinnamon or chocolate shavings. After World War II, the cappuccino evolved into the modern version of the drink, with all its hallmarks present – a good espresso, a balance of steamed and frothed milk, the presence of crema, and a small, preheated porcelain cup. The drink gained popularity first in continental Europe and then in England before moving into Australia, South America, and other parts of Europe. The cappuccino didn’t become popular in America until the 1980s, when coffee shop marketing gave it a sharp boost. The introduction of café culture to America in the 1990s further solidified the popularity of the cappuccino as well as other coffee drinks like lattes. Today, the cappuccino is a popular drink in many parts of the world and is served in most coffee houses and cafés.

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