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The History of Rummo Pasta

In 1846, Antonio Rummo launched a wheat milling and pasta making business in Benevento, Italy. The family’s three horses (Bruto, Bello, and Baiardo) pulled the wheat from Puglia and Campania to the mill. (Notably, the horses’ legacy is now immortalized today on every package of Rummo pasta.) In 1935, Rummo Pasta incorporated and moved to a new location on Via dei Mulini, which is in the heart of what is now historic Benevento. In 1991, Rummo built a new pasta factory and ceased wheat milling in order to focus exclusively on making pasta. In April 2005, Rummo’s famous “Lenta Lavorazione” manufacturing process was born. The name roughly translates to “slow processed” or “slow crafted” and refers to the Rummo family’s manufacturing standard of creating their pasta slowly and with care. It was developed through dmany years of tradition. The company added 3 new product lines in 2009. Then in 2011, Rummo launched a standard organic and an organic wholewheat product line (a gluten-free line was added in 2015). Also in 2011, Rummo earned a Bureau Veritas certification in recognition of their pasta’s resistance to overcooking and the quality of the durum wheat used to make it. The Rummo factory was badly damaged by flooding on October 15, 2015, but with community support and some time, the company was able to recover and even introduced two new pasta offerings just a few years later. In 2021, Rummo celebrated its 175th anniversary! Notably, it is still owned by the same family that started it back in 1846. Today, Rummo pasta is well-known in many parts of the world for its taste, texture, and overall quality.

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